Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring time in the north :)

Spring time up north isn't really spring time, it's like winter then summer in a day!  We had a very cool and depressing April, but May has really made up for it.  We have had NO rain all month and temps in the mid to high 20's every day.  We would all be in heaven if it weren't for all the crazy wild fires burning around us, there is one burning not too far away that is the largest in 50 years.  So please please please do a rain dance for us!

The kids are enthralled with our back yard.  With some gift cards Griffin got for his bday I picked out a climber/slide from Toys R Us.  They LOVE it.  Griffin loves to climb up, slide down, and repeat!  Owen is finally starting to enjoy both his sand box and water table, only took 2 years!  They both LOVE the pool and end up soaked almost every afternoon.

Owen keeps asking if it's "summer" yet, he has seen commercials for Cars 2 "coming out this summer" so now he's obsessed with summer.  Just less than a month to go before it comes out, although we probably won't take him until we are in Saint John, much better movie going experience.

Things at school are busy for Chris with year end wrap up and fund raising events for Angela and Jamie.!/event.php?eid=155435767855531 I'm on sick leave until June 20 after having my gall bladder out about 10 days ago.  I'm feeling good but get sore by the end of the day.  I'm going to have a hectic last week of school, writing report cards in a SHORT amount of time and moving my classroom :(  As you can tell, I hate that.  I have been in the same room since I started at Timberlea School.  It's MY room!  Now with gr 7-8 leaving for Ecole McTavish, we are moving down the hall in to the jr. high classrooms.  Yay for lockers for the kids, boo for having to move.  My classroom was one of 4 in the whole school that I could control my own heat.  The new ones are controlled in Edmonton or Calgary somewhere, seriously?  They are always FREEZING in the winter.

We had a super quick but nice visit with Beth, Shawn and Julia in April.  Their trip was cut short due to a family emergency on Shawn's side.  I was very happy to finally get some cuddle time with my niece though!

Owen and Chris have started soccer and they both are loving it.  Owen loves to run and kick the ball, he needs to work on understanding which direction he should be running though ;)
All in all, we are having a pretty good spring :)  Looking forward to our trip home this summer though!

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are too cute. I can't wait until my kiddos can participate in organized sports! Hugs from Texas!
