Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In like a lion, out like a lamb?

Griffin is 1!!! He had a great birthday in February with his little buddies (finally, after it had to be postponed because I was quarantined~ thought I might have the mumps, but it wasn't!).  He had so much fun playing with balloons and eating cake.  Actually, he's not that in to cake, lol. 

Spring is finally coming!  Well technically it is here, according to the calendar, but really, I live in Fort McMurray, spring isn't here until I see GRASS!  The weather has finally warmed up (it's hovering around 4 C as a daily high) and it seems to get nicer and nicer every day. 

Finally warm enough for rubber boots and vests :)

February and March are horrible months for teachers.  Everyone is going stir crazy and just wants spring to come.  We had a good convention week, enjoyed a couple days at home with the kids before Chris and I headed to Edmonton for 2 nights and 3 days of alone (unless you count the 1000 other teachers at convention, lol) time.  We did some shopping, got some great deals such as an entire winter wardrobe for Owen (for next year) for $40, a dining room table for $150, and a few other odds and ends for the house.  Of course Ikea cost us twice what we had budgeted for, but that's the way it always is!  We got to have dinner alone at Red Lobster and saw The Kings Speech in a nice large, stadium seating theatre.  Oh the little things that can make a girl happy, lol. 
I guess new living room furniture also makes a girl happy ;)

March has been busy with report cards, swimming lessons, a funny little toddler and Chris settling into his new role as Vice Principal.  We are finding it a bit hard juggling his new repsonsibilities with life with 2 kids under 4. 
Owen is signed up for soccer!  So I am officially becoming a soccer mom in May.  Chris took an all day coaching clinic on Saturday, so he is now certified to coach soccer to children under 4, lol.  I laugh, but apparently it was quite intense, kid's soccer has outcomes!  Just what a teacher is looking for ;)
We decided not to enroll Owen for swimming lessons for the spring session as I swore I would never be that parent who over schedules her kids.  So, even though he is enjoying his lessons with Maguire and their teacher, Callie, they will be over mid April.  He can start up again in the fall.

Griffin gets funnier and smarter every day.  He isn't saying a whole lot yet, we have Mum, Dad, Chris (which is hilarious--even if Chris doesn't think so), Nenna (Brenda), car, up, what's this?, What's that?, but that's it.  He still manages to communicate what he wants though, every night at bathtime he heads to the stairs (or the gate if it's up) and says up!  If you don't respond right away he gets mad, lol.  He starts to climb the stairs and keeps looking back to make sure you are following. It's so cute!  He loves the dog and loves to give him hugs, cuddles and tease him by getting in his bed.  I think Buddy realizes there is an end in sight to the toddler years and just puts up with it.  He is also clapping now which does wonders for a girl's self esteem, lol. first Girl Guide cookie!

Owen has really become affectionate toward Griff.  He tells him he loves him all the time and hugs and kisses him.  They share pretty well and rarely fight (knock on wood).  Hope that lasts.  I asked Owen yesterday if Griff would be his best friend when he gets older and he said no, because Liam is his best friend.  lol, too funny.  He is all registered for ECDP for the fall!  He is getting excited to go to school :)

Spring break is coming!  16 days until my sister and her family come to visit and I get to meet my beautiful niece Julia!!!!! I am beyond EXCITED!

Beautiful girl :)

A friend of mine started a blog recently and called it "Moments Full of Grace" (a play on her little girl's name~ Grace), after reading it I thought I would share my current favorite moment full of grace.  Owen asks me to lay down with him when he goes to bed at night, lately, as he gets ready to drift off to sleep he will say "I love you Mommy" and stroke my hair and snuggle in.  That's my moment.  I love it, gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it ;)

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